Tuesday, December 14, 2004

House-Husband - Part 1

I’m a good mama but not a good wife..can’t deny I really lazy on doing housework…
Fortunately I found a man who willing to do those housework for me..haha..

B4 pregnant I pretend a good wife..still done some housework..but when I’m pregnant..i got thousand reason refuse to do housework…very tired la.. morning, afternoon, evening, night sick laa..cannot carry heavy thing la..backache la..etc…Until now…hehe…

Every weekend fatty done his housework b4 I bring SQ back..swept & mop floor, lap windows, sometimes lap fan & cabinet also…last Saturday he sick liao but still insist to do those housework..woohh…melted my heart liao…I told him I’ll do it but he know my style well..i will simply swept dust & rubbish I saw, which can’t see left it laaa..hahaa…so he would rather do himself…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your fatty definately not Cina Ah Pek, because CAP never do house work wan
Twinsmom | Homepage | 14.12.04 - 12:32 pm | #


no no..he is CAP but trained by mil with rottan since young..haha..so..next time train ur son then he will be a house-husband..
msau | Homepage | 14.12.04 - 2:53 pm | #


eh. how can? must train son to be CAP so that his wife do all the work mah.
mumsgather | Homepage | 14.12.04 - 4:49 pm | #


Msau said tht because her little one is girl mah.
Twinsmom | Homepage | 15.12.04 - 11:30 am | #


hahaa..u r right Twinsmom, u may think the same ohh? some more u tasted those bitter liao..
msau | Homepage | 15.12.04 - 11:54 am | #