Thursday, March 24, 2005

Mr. So-Kind-Man

After our office renovation, we moved out quite alot of extra table & boss decided to sell if off...

Junkshop ppl came over to check those thing & quote us all lapsum RM40..WOW...RM40 for 6 5 feet table & 15 chair..really get lot of profit ahh this mann...I think they can sell few hundred at the back liao...

So my boss don't wan to sell laa....better give others ppl laa..coz our office too small liao..cannot put in extra thing liao lor...otherwise mosquito oso no place to fly lor...And at this moment

Mr. so-kind-man : "U need place to store all this table or not?? I got a house can put in all wor..Being a NICE MAN, I pinjam u my house laa.."

Boss : "no disturbing u kah? occupied ur house not so nice wan laa..."

Mr. so-kind-man : "Never Mind laa...I didn't stay there maa..just go back on weekend wan...won't use up all my place oso.."

Boss : "like tat kah...eee...maybe if u wan this table, I just give u lor..pai seh to occupy ur house...u see how?"

Mr. so-kind-man : " tat ahh...hmmm..I try to ask my daughter see they wan or not lor...come back to u tomorrow ahh..."


Tomorrow morning, boss friends suddenly said he wanna buy those table with RM2++. So of coz boss agreed laa...Then...

Mr so-kind-man (came in with happy face) : "Boss! When u wan to move this table..I can bring ur driver there....blah..blah.."

Boss : "So sorry need to disturbing u friend wan to buy all.."

Mr so-kind-man : "HUH? y like tat wan?? I oledi promised my daugther to bring back ALL the table & chair wor...Y u suddenly sell off wan??"

Boss : "He urgently wan to setup new office, so sell to him laa.."

Mr so-kind-man : "cannot be like tat wan laa..u PROMISED me 1st laa..then wat I going to tell my daughter???? "

Boss : "eee...sorry laa...."

Mr so-kind-man : "U shouldn't sell to ur friend maa..since u oledi SAID wanna give me wan..I SO NICE to take all the thing u don come u like tat wan??"

Boss : "eee..."

Mr so-kind-man : "like tat laaa..u give me 2 table & 2 chair laa..others give ur friend laa..."

Boss : "eeee...OK laa..Ok laa.."

Mr so-kind-man : "ohhh..then baru fair maa..I"m SO NICE to help u wan...u shouldn't make me difficuitly..."

Boss : "mmm"

Mr so-kind-man : "Not saying I wan ur thing ahh..I'm just being SO NICE to ask my daughter about tat..then she wan..u cannot let her down laa..correct kah??"

Boss : "mmm"

Mr so-kind-man : "U know laa..Being SO NICE not easy wan...I just help!!...blah blah blah ..........blah blah blah......"

And whole afternoon I heard him replace & replace & replace..."BEING SO NICE MAN.."


Anonymous said...

aiyo, the face so thick!!!

Anonymous said...

who this guy?! So teruk 1 leh. Reminds me of someone I know also sumthing like tat. Mayb they related

sqkiki said...

momof2, I think he don't evenknow his face so thick wan..He only think he is Nice wor...someone like TING HAI In Dai Shi Doi drama...haha

munkit, now nice ppl all need price wann..

ice queen, hahaaa...tat one who keep asking 'where is ice queen?where is ice queen?" wan ahh?? haha

1+2mom said...

This MR NICE MAN so funny, keep saying he so nice though othe ppl dunno..haiz.Why dun he said I'm damn good ler help you to keep rubbish?

Loc Kee said...

Aiyo i also don't know what to do oh... when dealing with such Nice person. i think i will do like ic3_que3n, hide away la... haha
msau, lakily your boss yang entertaint him hoh, otherwise, you wil also short few years life lo!

sqkiki said...

jason, haha...he is very old punya Mr. Onion..

1+2mom, he keep rubbish oso..but must be valuable wan laa...

LocKee, yalaa..only my boss willing to entertain ahh...huh..disappear long time liao lor..

Chrissy, many ppl like this around us actually..they will appear on the right time only..haha