Friday, July 08, 2005

SQ's New Skill

Early Morning

msau : "SQ loi (come), go to grandmama house lor"

SQ keep roll here & there on bed

msau : "guai lah...stand up....up up up.."

SQ play this play tat on bed

msau speak abit loud : "kia di la (faster lah)...mama going to late liao.."

SQ face -->

Evening After Dinner

Msau busy watching TV show...SQ shuatted on the floor..

**2 mins later**
SQ shuatted on the floor..
**5 mins later** SQ still Shuatted on the floor...

msau : "SQ, wat r u doing there?"

SQ keep quiet ..

msau : "SQ, r u ok? wat r u doing there?"

msau ran to SQ.... aiyoo...poo inside the diaper liao...

msau : "aiyoo... poo inside diaper still keep quiet ahh??"

msau *voice up* : "told u many times oledi..tell mama if u r wanna poo mah...."

SQ face -->

Night, after back to apartment

msau sit in front of PC trying to read some blog..

SQ keep kakacaucau beside ...

msau : "SQ, go to ur papa hah.."

SQ hug msau's leg, refuse to go..

msau : "see..papa give u mum mum (food) wor..go there..."

SQ lean on msau's body..refuse to go oso..

msau : "aiyaa..don be like tat ahh...mama wanna read blog lah..."

SQ face -->


Loc Kee said...

haha now start manja mummy liao. ya my sweet oso manja mummy coz mumy wil dod evthing for her. dady ya... ask her do herself la!

Anonymous said...

SQ must be thinkking, "呜呜... 人家大便了不跟人家洗还要挨骂...呜呜..." heheheh

pinkylicious said...

SQ seems very moody the whole day. How come ah??

Anonymous said...

Hey.. Msau,
Same .. same lah.. like my chloe..!!
MrsT said...

Bad mama, hug the thighs liao somemore want to read blog. Same here la. "go to papa, go to papa". LOL

sqkiki said...

TM, haha...一边用力'出共',一边诈叠就是这样的罗。

lockee, yalah..just start learn the skill to manja liao..I really kenot imagine if she expect in this I can die liao lah..

momo2, haha...I beg she thing like tat too..must give her some mama's words b4 doing those cleaning job mah

emotionalistic, she not moody ler.. she just wann manja lah...and very pandai to avoid scold by me ohh..

MrsT, see..our baby very smart wan..always use this trick to make mama not hardheart to punish them..all mama die under this trick wan..haii

milly, haha..u tot u still young ahh? nanti mamibee guna rotan somemore, u baru tahu..

kiasi, hahaa..then I mai will be a star mama liao? haha

5xmom, hehe..sometimes must curi time to do tat mah..papa r the only wan can help liao..mai put SQ to him lah..

1+2mom said...

haha..same here, but they dun show sad face to me just funny smile face to me. How i can scold them?? I also ask them go daddy there, mummy buzy but they seem dunwan :( On the other way round, if 1+2dad call them go mummy there, they sure very fast come to me.