Thursday, January 04, 2007

I like The Name of DingDong

Recently SQ always saying this kinds of sentences..

"DingDong ler? choi lai Oi?" (DingDong ler?Where is it ?)

"Ni kon DingDong choi ai oi o" (DingDong is over there)

"Mao ki dek dai DingDong lor" (no ohh..forgot to bring DingDong here)

All u know Doraemon previous name is Ding Dong...Actually I wasn't know until I read it from one of the blogger's post..:lol:

Til now I still kenot accept Ding Dong oledi rename to Doraemon ler...I love the Ding Dong name..and its seem more easier for me tooddler to remember mah..rite? :laugh:

SQ r taking my words, she know who is DingDong but I doubt she know who is Doraemon or not..

y? y her change his name?? been calculated by ..with the name of Doraemon can get more $$$kah?? haha,,,not understand..:think:

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