Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Off Day Schedule

8.30am - wake up
9.00am - prepare breakfast for kids
9.30am - breakfast with kids
10.00am - feed kid medicine
10.30am - online to check email and surf net
12.00am - prepare lunch
12.30am - lunch with kids
1.00pm - doing house chord
1.30pm - take bath with kids
2.00pm - get kids to sleep
2.00pm - 4.00pm - PRIVATE TIME!!
4.00pm - wake kid up and let them watch TV and play
5.30pm - start to prepare dinner
6.30pm - hubby come back and get ready dinner
7.00pm - family dinner
7.30pm - feed kid medicine
8.00pm - Family TV time
9.00pm - take bath with kids
9.30pm - put kids to sleep
9.30pm - 11pm - QUALITY TIME with hubby!

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